Fire creates. Fire destroys. An elemental magic of mesmerising beauty and matching ferocity. When we work with fire, we honour both its grace and ruthlessness, calling in new ways of being whilst burning away the old parts of Self. This Shamanic Fire Ceremony is a journey of deep purification, releasing the dross of outdated personal patterns and aligning us with our true pathway. You will be fully guided through this connection to the Sacred Fire, harnessing the energies to empower your personal transformation and dream a new reality into being.
Fire provides the way to let go of your old story and drama, to transform, to renew and to be reborn. Through a fire ceremony you are honouring your lessons and old belief structures by placing them in the fire and handing them over to Spirit.
By releasing these old patterns and beliefs into the fire, you heal at the soul level without having to experience them in the physical. Awareness comes from writing down the belief and placing it into the fire. Fire Ceremonies are one of the core practices in many medicine traditions and is typically held around the full or new moon of each month when the veils between the worlds are thinnest.
Shamans say that the earth and our civilisation are in such great peril that fire ceremonies need to be held in such times of transformation. A fire ceremony is not seen as an instantaneous magical change, rather an opening to heal and transform distinctive habits and patterns – to manifest a different dream. The fire itself will become your teacher and will let you know immediately if your intention is pure.
For the fire ceremony all you will be required to bring are 2 sticks, 1st is a 'giving away stick' & 2nd is a 'calling in stick'.
I suggest you go for a walk-in nature the weekend before the ceremony and reflect on what you feel you want to let go of and what you want to invite into your life moving forward. Look for your sticks, in the woods or the park. They need to be a good size NOT TWIG SIZE! Bring them both with you on the evening. These are an important part of the evening and must be chosen, by you, especially for this ritual. I also advise to dress in layers, as it gets warm around the fire.
This is a ceremony so dressing in white or lighter colours are preferred. Bring blankets and cushions if you want to make yourself a warm place to sit around the fire.
You can bring something personal for the ceremony like a crystal or something representative of you, please do. This will not be put into the fire.
Minimum 6 / Maximum 18 people
Approx 2 hours – Outside Only – Fire Pit & Wood can be provided (small additional charge)
Price based on group size and charge per person.
If outside the M25 travel costs will be included.