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The What:
This is a certified Breathwork Training Program which is a project and a thing of love and hard work, a 9-month training program which I have developed, created, and taken extremely seriously. It took us over 2 years to create, and I have connected and co-created with the right team - choosing those I have worked with and people I have personally Trained. I trust everyone implicitly with this work, and it has, without a doubt, been a collective effort. Everyone on the team has contributed and helped make this program truly unique, in-depth, educational, and inspiring.
The founding members of Intuitive Breathwork Training took their first steps in the 2024 cohort, we are now opening the doors to many more Trainees allowing access and accessibility to this life-enriching education and transformative process. Working with feedback from those who have completed the training, as well the facilitator we are all hands-on creators which helps us in our evolution of this dynamic and life changing Trauma Informed Breathwork Training.
The Why:
Why do I feel called to Train others?
Since starting my professional breathwork career in 2019 (my relationship with Breathwork began in 2017), my business has grown from strength to strength. As I shared my love of breathwork with more and more people through 1-1 private clients, workshops, festivals and retreats, the regular and ongoing requests for this type of training made it seem like a logical next step. I also have a background in Training and a deep love for teaching, I knew deep down it was the right move. I know on a more energetic level, my calling has always been to reach big numbers of people to assist in the rise of the collective consciousness. Breathwork is a deeply profound and SELF-healing modality. Each person who dives deep within it comes home to the sacred sovereignty of self, buried too deep and for too long. Its power is an accessible tool in an ever-changing landscape, both internally and externally.
Breathwork is, without doubt an important part of the New Earth frequency. My role here is to be part of delivering this and making it an accessible medicine to as many as I can so they may share it with as many as they can, safely, with integrity and a true sense of purpose. Because together we rise.
The Who:
Susie Smith
Founder of Intuitive Breathwork
& Senior Trainer

Breathwork & Emotional Trauma Therapist | Embodiment Mentor | Shamanic Energy Worker| Mental Health First Aider
Susie has been a qualified Breathwork Therapist and Trauma Informed Facilitator for over 7 years. Working deeply with Conscious Connected Breathwork and the history within the Nervous System, creating somatic and profound experiences for everyone attending her 1:1 sessions or workshops. Being deeply intuitive by nature enables Susie to work with the frequency of your own body intelligence, dropping you into higher states of consciousness through the body’s wisdom and the power of the breath. Helping clients unpack unconscious emotional baggage and restore the body to its sovereign state. Susie’s path has weaved its way through a deep and transformative education in Conscious Breathwork, Emotional Trauma Healing, and the history they both hold within us
Leigh Jones - Senior Trainer

Breathwork & Holistic Lifestyle Coach | Functional Movement Practitioner | Life-long student of whole human health.
Leigh firmly believes that within every individual resides an innate impulse to grow, evolve and thrive. His mission is to help people remove the physical, mental, and emotional barriers that obstruct this natural flourishing.
His holistic approach with clients addresses the various pillars of health. This includes nervous system regulation, trauma resolution, breathwork, hydration, nutrition and gut health, sleep, stress management, movement, and archetypal work.
1:1 Practitioner - Development Modules
Breath - The Foundation
What is Breathwork – conscious
connected/functional/pranayama -
Anatomy of breath
Science of breath
Breathwork and the emotional, physical, and mental body
Breathing – The Autonomic Nervous System
Breath Dysfunction & Diagnostic
1:1 General Practices
​Setting up space
Grounding - your internal environment
Breathwork as Medicine
How to Empower/Support Participants
Closing / Sharing
Integration, support & follow up
Being Trauma Informed - Intensive 3 Day Module
Nervous System 101
Polyvagal Theory
State not Story – Reframing Trauma
Window of Tolerance
Emotional Trauma & Safe Release
Emotional Health is Mental Health
Understanding Developmental Trauma
Personal Ethics
Self-awareness & integrity
Personal authority & Boundaries
You are not the healer – client empowerment.
Projections and reflections
Staying sovereign amidst chaos
Speaking with Confidence& Clarity
Additional module - Men, hands-on & safety
1:1 Practitioner Facilitation – The Fundamentals
Consent & Waivers
Equipment and tools
The Body & The Emotions
Reading a Breathing Pattern
Acupressure Assisted Release
Somatic Movement
Personal care & grounding
Cases Studies & 1:1 Facilitation
What, why & where - the 20 cases
studies explained -
Case Study – Training Protocol
1:1 Session v Block Sessions (4 or more)
The role of the Breath Buddy
Self-Breathing / Self-Practice
Reading Material - mandatory & optional
Music & Playlists
Choosing music and creating playlists
Flow of music and its part in the session
Variations of musical intensity & why
Additional/Bonus Modules - Personal Development.
Breathwork is Shadow Work, your
trauma, your healing -
Intuitive Connection and awaking the
Inner knowing -
Deep Personal Transformation